Monday, January 14, 2008

Really Good Peanut Butter Farts

I don't know Dave, the author of this blog post. And I don't usually get excited for peanut butter. I mean, it's fine, it's particularly good on celery in my opinion, but I don't often use it.

But the sheer passion for the product in this post makes me thing otherwise. To wit:

I have shared with jars of peanut butter my most private hopes and dreams. When I smell peanut butter, freshly toasted and bubbling into the nooks and crannies of an English Muffin, I feel the way I did when, during Three Times a Lady at an eighth grade dance, I first found the courage to slide my sweaty palms down past the small of a back to the gloriously tight rear pockets on a pair Chemin de Fers.

Wow. Dave, whoever you are, you have earned yourself the esteemed title of Honorary Weddingfarter of the Day. Mazel Tov.

Hat fart: Andrew Sullivan.


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