Friday, April 13, 2007

Free Lunch Friday Farts

It has been a while since I've had a free lunch friday fart to report. That's not because we here at weddingfarts don't want to keep you informed, gentle .gov, it's just that salmon doesn't make the cut (as you know, we have very high standards around here).

But today was different.

The menu: cornbread, salad with two types of tomatoes, mac & cheese, coleslaw, barbequed chicken, medium rare tenderloin, delicious brownies, watermelon, and pineapple.

As you might imagine, the lawyers were thrilled. Plates were piled high and there were astonished smiles all around. We all said: while the surprise was nice, the whole week would've been better if we known it was going to end in delicious free lunch.

And the downside: now that we know what lunch is capable of, the next time we are served salmon will be so disappointing.

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