Thursday, March 17, 2005

Bullshit Electronics

I'm glad that this has become a forum for all of the things that I do on a daily basis. Like for example, today I walked into Circuit City. They didn't have what I wanted, and I asked them if they had it in the back. They said that they didn't. I was pissed.
Then I went to Best Buy. Not only did they have what I wanted but they had like 40 of them. Therefore I could choose by which of the things that I wanted had the nicest packaging. I chose well. I now have over 9 gigabizzles of music to listen to. If I had only listened to wedding farts in the first place, I would have been in much better shape. However, my bracket for the NCAA tournament is by far the winner.

1 comment:

sailor jacket said...

This may take a few minutes, if you have a large blog.

