Thursday, February 22, 2007

What I had for lunch and something awesome

Friends, I had the 6 inch sweet onion Chicken Teryaki  sub from Subway Hell.  Only one embarassing thing happened, and that was when a small piece of sweet onion chicken got loose from the sub roll and made it's way into the red onion bin.  Have no fear, the piece of chicken was heroically plucked from the red onions and brought safely back to its sub.  My sub.  I apologize to the vegetarian who wanted no chicken on their red onions. 

In other news, it's almost Wonderlic season.  I love wonderlic.  Especially when Vince Young does crappy on it.  Vince Young = Crappy at wonderlic, but awesome at beating our beloved.  Feel free to answer some of the questions in this awesome article to see how you would do on the wonderlic.  For those of you that don't know, the wonderlic is the test given to players at the NFL combine; probably the most important standardized test of all time.

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