Thursday, February 15, 2007

Lunchfarts: Free Attorney Lunch

Today was Free Attorney Lunch day at work. The lawyers all gather in the conference room, usually five minutes or so after the intercom announces that lunch is being served, because we are all so busy, and we eat salmon and cheesecake. It's not always salmon and cheesecake, but it was today, and that is pretty standard. None of us like the salmon. We are much happier when it is flank steak and chocolately pecan squares. We usually don't say anything about it, just pretend that we are grateful for the free salmon, but you can tell.

This was the third day in row of salmon for me. In fact, something incredible happened yesterday, which I should've blogged about immediately: I invented Country Sweet Salmon.

Take a moment.

Yeah, I know. Awesome. Obvious, in a way, yet never attempted before. I seasoned the salmon, dredged it lightly in flour because I'm fancy in the kitchen, and browned it in olive oil on both sides. Then the sauce went on, and then the pan went into a 250 degree oven until I couldn't wait anymore.

I mean, just about anything can be improved by Country Sweet sauce. And salmon is almost impossible to screw up. But Country Sweet Salmon, in my opinion, was a particularly tasty use of The Sauce. It brought out the best in salmon, and the salmon brought out the best in The Sauce.

The same might be said of lawyers and free lunch.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Another CS Salmon recipe: lightly glazed with mixed Country Sweet Sauce and grilled atop a cedar plank. Garnish with chunked pineapple and voila!

Other Country Sweet delicacies: Eggs, Beef stir-fry, white rice, pork chops, lamb shank, turkey, and salad dressing.

If you ever suffer a CS attack and are not within driving distance of Monroe Ave, simply follow these steps:

1) Order a case of CS from

2) Order a dozen naked wings from the BEST wing place in town - hopefully there's a Buffalo Bills bar where you live.

3) Place wings and sauce in large zip lock bag and shake

4) Devour
