Monday, April 09, 2007


It's Sopranos season again. I watched last night's episode on Horse's big HDTV-- this was technology that didn't exist when Man Boobs and I first stumbled on the Soprano videos in college. I was late getting to Horse's apartment (the Canadian beat me there), so Horse paused the broadcast to wait for me. Tivo living. This also didn't exist.

When it began, we all sat and reminisced about where we were for the last quasi-season. I was living in New Haven, pretty much stuffed with pizza all of the time. (There it's a snack and a meal and a way of life). The last time I had watched Sopranos before that was in law school, when I'd interrupt my work on Sunday nights to drive across the river to Brookline to watch it with friends. Not much has changed in this regard: I had plenty of work to interrupt last night. Before that was in Queens, which was unnerving because it made you think twice about the guys who sat in the back of the pizza and pastry shops after they had close.

But the show? It was good, and fun to watch in High Def, but I don't really care anymore. They're all old and bored with themselves, and I'm old and bored with myself. I think everyone will be just fine when it ends. However, there was one very important highlight that made the episode worthwhile.

My prediction: Tony drowns, possibly by accident. You heard it here first.

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