Friday, March 02, 2007

.gov - a plea

We have a site meter that tracks our weddingfarts.

Recently people other than the authors have been reading the site. It could be people like me who read the whole internet daily or it could be out of love and devotion to the authors of this award winning site. We won a Shitty this year for being a shitty blog.

We would like your help

If you are reading this blog from a .gov web address please tell one other .gov person about weddingfarts. Maybe if enough people with a .gov address read weddingfarts we might be able to make some real progress. We can't help but imagine...

Imagine the viral impact of all the .gov's who are kept in the know about what 3 people eat for lunch.
Imagine the outpouring of ideas and support when we don't know what to eat for lunch.
Imagine you telling us what you had for lunch.
Imagine Dr. reading about his shaved head and crappy appearance in Wild Hogs.

The world is our Oyster (and ribs). Help us help you.

With undying love and devotion,

Team weddingfarts


Anonymous said...

Is there someone besides me who works for the government reading weddingfarts?

The Canadian

Anonymous said...

government, the other other white meat

Anonymous said...

hmmmm. most of my readers are from dot gov addresses as well. hmmmmmmmmmm.
